A Marine Bacterium with Animal-Pathogen-Like Type III Secretion Elicits the Nonhost Hypersensitive Response in a Land Plant
Boyoung Lee, Jeong-Im Lee (Lee 1), Soon-Kyeong Kwon, Choong-Min Ryu, Jihyun F. Kim
Plant Pathol J. 2023;39(6):584-591.   Published online 2023 Dec 1     DOI: https://doi.org/10.5423/PPJ.FT.09.2023.0125
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Omics approaches in understanding the benefits of plant-microbe interactions
Archana Jain, Surendra Sarsaiya, Ranjan Singh, Qihai Gong, Qin Wu, Jingshan Shi
Frontiers in Microbiology.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef