Morphological Variations, Genetic Diversity and Pathogenicity of Colletotrichum species Causing Grape Ripe Rot in Korea2008 September;24(3)
Mycological Characteristics of Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi Isolated from Pea, Ginseng and Soybean in Korea1999 February;15(1)
Mycological Characteristics and Pathogenicity of Phomopsis mali Causing Fruit Decays of Japanese Apricot, Apple and Kiwifruit1998 April;14(2)
Some Genetic Characteristics of Tomato Wilt Pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Lycopersici in Korea1997 October;13(5)
Pathogenicity and Mycological Characteristics of Pythium myriotylum Causing Rhizome Rot of Ginger1997 June;13(3)