The Plant Pathology Journal 2002;18(5):271-278.
Published online October 31, 2002.
Effect of Plant Population Densities on the Severity of Late Leaf Spot and Rust of Groundnut
S. Pande, J. Narayana Rao
The effect of five plant population densities [5 (D1), 10 (D2), 20 (D3), 30 (D4), and 40 (D5) plants/m2] of four groundnut cultivars [ICGV 86699, ICG (FDRS) 10, ICGS 11 and TMV 2] and fungicide application (Kavach, chlorothalonil) to manage late leaf spot (LLS) and rust were studied in a field experiment during the 1995 and 1996 rainy seasons. LLS and rust severities were low in fungicide sprayed plots in all the cultivars irrespective of plant densities. Severities of LLS and rust, and percentage defoliation caused by LLS were significantly more in higher plant densities (D4, D5) than in lower plant densities (D1, D2, D3) in fungicide sprayed and unsprayed plots in all the cultivars. All the cultivars gave significantly higher haulm and pod yields in fungicide sprayed plots than in unsprayed plots. Haulm and pod yields were significantly higher in higher plant densities than in lower plant densities. A combination of higher plant densities (D4, D5) and fungicide protection against LLS and rust gave maximum yield.
Key Words: Arachis, peanut, Phaeoisariopsis personata, Puccinia arachidis

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