Plant Pathol J > Volume 32(5); 2016 > Article
Kyeon, Son, Noh, Kim, Lee, and Cha: Xanthomonas euvesicatoria Causes Bacterial Spot Disease on Pepper Plant in Korea


In 2004, bacterial spot-causing xanthomonads (BSX) were reclassified into 4 species—Xanthomonas euvesicatoria, X. vesicatoria, X. perforans, and X. gardneri. Bacterial spot disease on pepper plant in Korea is known to be caused by both X. axonopodis pv. vesicatoria and X. vesicatoria. Here, we reidentified the pathogen causing bacterial spots on pepper plant based on the new classification. Accordingly, 72 pathogenic isolates were obtained from the lesions on pepper plants at 42 different locations. All isolates were negative for pectolytic activity. Five isolates were positive for amylolytic activity. All of the Korean pepper isolates had a 32 kDa-protein unique to X. euvesicatoria and had the same band pattern of the rpoB gene as that of X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans as indicated by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. A phylogenetic tree of 16S rDNA sequences showed that all of the Korean pepper plant isolates fit into the same group as did all the reference strains of X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans. A phylogenetic tree of the nucleotide sequences of 3 housekeeping genes—gapA, gyrB, and lepA showed that all of the Korean pepper plant isolates fit into the same group as did all of the references strains of X. euvesicatoria. Based on the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics, we identified the pathogen as X. euvesicatoria. Neither X. vesicatoria, the known pathogen of pepper bacterial spot, nor X. perforans, the known pathogen of tomato plant, was isolated. Thus, we suggest that the pathogen causing bacterial spot disease of pepper plants in Korea is X. euvesicatoria.


Bacterial spot disease occurs on pepper (Capsicum annum L.) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in warm, humid areas worldwide and causes lesions on the leaves, stems, and fruits (Jones et al., 2000; Stall et al., 1994). Yellow haloes appear around the lesions; smaller lesions coalesce into larger ones. Leaf infection results in blight, necrosis, and early leaf fall. These cause a reduction in photosynthesis and fruit infection, resulting in direct economic loss (Jones et al., 1991; Obradovic et al., 2004; Stall et al., 1994). Contaminated seeds and plant debris are common inoculum sources, and the disease is also transmitted by rain splash (Jones et al., 1991).
The pathogens causing bacterial spot disease were originally identified as Bacterium vesicatoria (Doidge, 1921) and B. exitiosum (Gardner and Kendrick, 1921). The 2 bacteria were later classified as Xanthomonas vesicatoria and then as X. campestris pv. vesicatoria by Young et al. (1978). Based on DNA homology by Vauterin et al. (1995), X. campestris pv. vesicatoria was separated into 2 species—X. vesicatoria and X. axonopodis pv. vesicatoria. Pseudomonas gardneri was first reported as the pathogen causing bacterial spot on tomato (Šutic, 1957) but was later reclassified as X. gardneri (De Ley, 1978; Dye, 1966). Jones et al. (2004) reported that all of the bacterial spot-causing xanthomonads (BSX) were reclassified as 4 species—X. euvesicatoria, X. vesicatoria, X. perforans, and X. gardneri. Among them, X. euvesicatoria and X. vesicatoria cause diseases on both pepper and tomato, while X. perforans and X. gardneri are known to infect only tomato. Recently, however, X. perforans was isolated from the pepper plant (Potnis et al., 2015).
X. vesicatoria and X. perforans have strong amylolytic and pectolytic activity, but X. euvesicatoria and X. gardneri do not (Bouzar et al., 1994; Jones et al., 2000, 2004). X. euvesicatoria has a unique 32 kDa protein, while the other BSX have a 27 kDa protein (Bouzar et al., 1994; Jones et al., 2004). In addition, there are differences in carbon source utilization among BSX species (Jones et al., 2004; Stoyanova et al., 2014; Vauterin et al., 1995). RpoB based restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) (Ferreira-Tonin et al., 2012), amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) (Hamza et al., 2012) and multilocus sequence analysis (Almeida et al., 2010; Hamza et al., 2012; Kebede et al., 2014; Timilsina et al., 2015) were used to differentiate 4 species of BSX.
Bacterial spot is a common disease on pepper plants in Korea (Kim, 2004; Lee and Cho, 1996; Lee et al., 1999; Myung et al., 2005, 2006), and X. axonopodis pv. vesicatoria and X. vesicatoria are listed as the causative pathogens (Yoo, 2009). X. perforans was reported as the causal agent of bacterial spot on tomato for the first time from a nursery farm in Korea (Myung et al., 2009). It is not clear as to which pathogens cause bacterial spot disease of pepper in Korea since X. axonopodis pv. vesicatoria is no longer included in the list of BSX, and since X. perforans, which was known to cause the disease on pepper plant, has been isolated only from tomato. The correct identification of the bacterial spot pathogen on pepper is important for plant quarantine, disease management, and breeding for resistance. In this study, the pathogen causing bacterial spot disease of pepper was reidentified by the isolation and identification of bacterial spot disease pathogens throughout Korea. To ensure correct identification, several phenotypic and genotypic characteristics were used, including amylolytic activity, pectolytic activity, unique protein band on sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), rpoB based RFLP, phylogenetic analysis with 16S rDNA sequences, and sequences of 3 housekeeping genes.

Materials and Methods

Isolation and pathogenicity test

Pepper leaves showing typical bacterial spot lesions were collected throughout Korea during 2013-2015. Small pieces of leaf lesions were macerated in sterile water, and the resulting suspension was streaked on nutrient agar (NA) (DifcoTM; BD, Sparks, MD, USA). After incubation at 27°C for 3-5 days, distinct single colonies were purified by subculturing. Isolates were stored in a deep freezer. Bacterial suspensions, optical density measured at a wavelength of 600 nm (OD600) = 0.1 (ca. 1.0 × 108 cfu/ml) were prepared on NA in sterile water using 3-day-old cell cultures, and the suspensions were sprayed on pepper and tomato seedlings. The inoculated plants were saturated and maintained in a humid environment for 48 h and then in the greenhouse. Bacterial spot symptoms were observed 3 weeks post-inoculation.

Reference strains

Twenty-nine different strains from 4 BSX species were used as reference strains in this study (Table 1).

Amylolytic and pectolytic assays

Amylolytic and pectolytic assays were carried out according to the method of Bouzar et al. (1994). Bacteria were streaked on brilliant cresyl blue-starch (BS) agar and incubated at 27°C for 2 days. Haloes around the colonies indicated that the strain was positive for amylolytic activity. For pectolytic assay, bacterial cells were spotted on crystal violet pectate (CVP) agar and incubated at 27°C for 2 days. Dents around the colonies indicated that the strain was positive for pectolytic activity.

Observation of unique proteins by SDS-PAGE

SDS-PAGE for the observation of proteins unique to BSX species was carried out according to the method of Bouzar et al. (1994). Bacteria were cultured in 3 ml NA (BD DifcoTM) at 27°C for 18 h. Two milliliters of bacterial culture were harvested by centrifugation (> 13,000 × g) for 10 min, and the bacterial cells were washed twice in sterile water. The cell pellet was resuspended in 180 μl of 10% sorbitol and the bacterial suspension was mixed with an equal volume of 2 × sampling buffer (125 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8, 20% glycerol, 2% β-mercaptoethanol, 0.04% bromophenol blue, and 4% SDS). After heating at 100°C for 10 min, 10 μl of suspension were electrophoresed in 12% resolving gel. The gel was stained with Coomassie R250 staining solution (0.1% Coomassie Blue R250 in 10% acetic acid, 45% methanol, 45% H2O) for more than 1 h and destained for more than 2 h.

rpoB gene based RFLP

The rpoB based RFLP was carried out according to the method of Ferreira-Tonin et al. (2012). The rpoB gene was amplified with rpoB2F (5′-TCA AGG AGC GTC TGT CGA T-3′) and rpoB3R (5′-TCT GCC TCG TTG ACC TTG A-3′) primers. PCR amplification was performed in PCR reaction mixture (25 μl) of Takara Ex Taq PCR kit (Takara Co., Shiga, Japan) containing 1 μl of each primer (10 pmol/μl) and 10 μl of genomic DNA (20 ng/μl). The PCR conditions were as follows: an initial denaturation at 94°C for 2 min followed by 35 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 63°C for 30 s, and 72°C for 1 min, with a final extension at 72°C for 5 min. The PCR product was purified and 300 ng of purified PCR product was restricted with HaeIII (FastDigest-Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., Waltham, MA, USA). The resulting DNA bands were observed after electrophoresis on a 4% agarose gel.

Phylogenetic tree with 16S rDNA sequences

The 16S rDNA was amplified with 27F (5′-AGA GTT TGA TCM TGG CTC AG-3′) and 1492R (5′-GGT TAC CTT GTT ACG ACT T-3′). The amplicons were sequenced Macrogen Co. (Seoul, Korea). Phylogenetic analysis was carried out using the MEGA 6.0 program with neighbor-joining tree, Kimura 2-parameter model, and 3,000 bootstrap value.

Phylogenetic tree with multilocus sequences

Multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) was carried out using 3 housekeeping genes—gapA, gyrB, and lepA. The PCR were carried out according to the method of Almeida et al. (2010). PCR primers were gap-1-F (5′-GGC AAT CAA GGT TGG YAT CAA CG-3′) and gap-1-R (5′-ATC TCC AGG CAC TTG TTS GAR TAG-3′) for gapA, gyrB-F (5′-AAG TTC GAC GAC AAC AGC TAC AA-3′) and gyrB-R (5′-GAM AGC ACY GCG ATC ATG CCT TC-3′) for gyrB, and lepA-F (5′-AAG CSC AGG TGC TCG ACT CCA AC-3′) and lepA-R (5′-CGT TCC TGC ACG ATT TCC ATG TG-3′). PCR reactions were performed in reaction mixture (25 μl) of Takara Ex Taq PCR kit containing 1 μl of each primer (10 pmol/μl) and 10 μl of genomic DNA (10 ng/μl). The PCR conditions were as follows: an initial denaturation at 94°C for 5 min followed by 35 cycles of 94°C for 30 s, 58°C for 30 s, and 72°C for 30 s, with a final extension at 72°C for 7 min. The amplicons were sequenced at Macrogen Co. The concatenated sequence was 444 bp of gapA, 411 bp of gyrB, and 390 of lepA. Phylogenetic analysis was carried out using the MEGA 6.0 program with neighbor-joining tree, Kimura 2-parameter model, and 3,000 bootstrap value.


Pathogen isolation

All isolates from the bacterial spot lesions of pepper plants were tested for pathogenicity on both pepper and tomato plants. About 5-10 days after inoculation, water soaked spots started to appear on the lower epidermis of leaves. Circular dark brown and black spots appeared, followed by yellow haloes around some of the spots (Fig. 1). A total of 72 isolates caused typical bacterial spot symptoms on both pepper and tomato plants. Our tests indicated that all of the isolates are pathogenic to both pepper and tomato plants despite the fact that all of them were isolated from only pepper plants. The pathogens were isolated from isolates collected from 42 different locations that cover all provinces of Korea, including Jeju Island (Table 2). The 2 pathogenic isolates CNUPBL 2030 and CNUPBL 2058 were deposited in Korean Agricultural Culture Collection as KACC18722 and KACC18723.

Phenotypic characteristics

All of the X. vesicatoria and X. perforans reference strains were positive for amylolytic and pectolytic activities, whereas all of the X. euvesicatoria and X. gardneri reference strains were negative for both enzyme activities (Supplementary Fig. 1, Supplementary Fig. 2, Table 3). Five isolates (CNUPBL 1999, 2030, 2038, 2039, 2092) of the Korean pepper pathogens were positive for amylolytic activity and the rest were negative. All of the Korean pepper pathogens were negative for pectolytic activity (Table 3). As for the unique protein of BSX species, all of the X. euvesicatoria reference strains had a 32 kDa protein band and the other reference strains had a 27 kDa protein band (Supplementary Fig. 3, Table 3). All of the Korean pepper pathogens had a 32 kDa protein that is unique to X. euvesicatoria (Table 3).

Genotypic characteristics

In rpoB gene-based RFLP, all of the X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans reference strains had the same DNA band pattern with DNA bands of 339 bp, 154 bp, and 153 bp. X. vesicatoria and X. gardneri had DNA band patterns different from those of X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans, and also had different patterns from each other. X. vesicatoria had DNA bands of 216 bp, 123 bp, and 106 bp, and X. gardneri had DNA bands of 215 bp, 156 bp, 154 bp, and 123 bp (Fig. 2). All of the Korean pepper pathogens had the same DNA band pattern as that of X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans (Table 3).
A phylogenetic tree of the 16S rDNA sequences showed that all of X. vesicatoria and X. gardneri reference strains were grouped into their own clade. All X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans reference strains, however, were grouped into a different clade. All of the Korean pepper pathogens were grouped together with the reference strains of X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans (Fig. 3). In a phylogenetic tree of the concatenated sequences of gapA, gyrB, and lepA, all of the reference strains of each species were grouped into the same clade with strains of the same species. All of the Korean pepper pathogens were grouped together with the reference strains of X. euvesicatoria (Fig. 4).


In this study, 72 pathogenic isolates were collected from bacterial spot lesions on pepper plants throughout Korea in order to reidentify the causative pathogen. The 3 phenotypic characteristics of the Korean pepper pathogens and the BSX reference strains were compared for correct identification. The 3 major characteristics were used to separate the 4 species of BSX referred to by Jones et al. (2004). All of the Korean pepper pathogens were negative for pectolytic activity, and all except 5 isolates were negative for amylolytic activity. These traits were identical to those of X. euvesicatoria and X. gardneri. The 5 amylolytic-positive isolates are not considered to be typical strains of X. euvesicatoria or X. perforans. Recently, Stoyanova et al. (2014) argued that some phenotype characteristics such as amylolytic activity and the utilization of cis-aconitic acid cannot be species-separating criteria of the BSX group. However, all of the Korean pepper pathogens have a 32 kDa protein that is unique to X. euvesicatoria. Thus, our results of the analysis of the 3 phenotypic characteristics suggest that all of the Korean pepper pathogens are X. euvesicatoria.
The result of rpoB based RFLP showed that all of the Korean pepper pathogens have DNA band patterns identical to those of X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans. A phylogenetic tree of the 16S rDNA sequences also showed that all of the Korean pepper pathogens were grouped together with X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans. These results suggest that rpoB based RFLP and 16S sequences are not enough to separate the 2 BSX species, X. euvesicatoria and X. perforans. These results also indicate that the 2 are very closely related to each other. MLSA generally gives more detailed genotypic information than does 16S rDNA sequencing. Several previous MLSA studies have also differentiated the 4 species of BSX (Almeida et al., 2010; Hamza et al., 2012; Kebede et al., 2014; Timilsnia et al., 2015). A phylogenetic tree of 3 housekeeping genes (gapA, gyrB, and lepA) showed that all of the Korean pepper isolates were grouped together into the same clade as that of the reference strains of X. euvesicatoria.
The phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of the Korean pepper pathogens suggest that all of those collected in this study are in fact X. euvesicatoria. Neither X. vesicatoria, which is considered the causative pathogen of pepper bacterial spot in the List of Plant Diseases in Korea (Yoo, 2009), nor X. perforans, which was recently reported as the causative pathogen of tomato bacterial spot, was isolated. It might be erroneous to designate X. vesicatoria as a causative pathogen of pepper bacterial spot in Korea since we could not find literature references for this. Although there is one study on the isolation of X. perforans from pepper plant in the United States, this species does not cause disease on pepper plant in Korea. Nevertheless, bacterial spot caused by X. perforans was reported on nursery-raised tomatoes in Korea, but not on field-grown tomatoes (Myung et al., 2009). X. axonopodis pv. vesicatoria is another species identified as a causative pathogen of pepper bacterial spot according to the List of Plant Diseases in Korea (Yoo, 2009). It was renamed as X. euvesicatoria following the reclassification of the 4 BSX species.
The results of the present study suggest that the bacterial spot of pepper plant in Korea is caused exclusively by X. euvesicatoria. Recently, Myung et al. (2015) reported that the latest strain of pepper bacterial spot disease in Korea is caused by X. euvesicatoria. Based on our study, the pepper bacterial spot reported as a new disease is in fact not new, but rather it is caused by the same pathogen whose scientific name was revised by Jones et al. (2004).


This study was supported by the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency and by a research grant from Chungbuk National University in 2014. We thank Dr. Jeffery Jones for providing the reference strains of BSX.


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Fig. 1
Bacterial spot symptoms on pepper and tomato leaves inoculated with CNUPBL 2039, a pathogenic isolate from bacterial spot lesion of pepper plant. Lesions on the upper epidermis of pepper leaf (A), lower epidermis of pepper leaf (B), upper epidermis of tomato leaf (C), and lower epidermis of tomato leaf (D).
Fig. 2
Result of rpoB gene based restriction fragment length polymorphism. Lanes 1-3, Xanthomonas euvesicatoria 75-3, LMG667, LMG905; Lanes 4-6, X. vesicatoria LMG916, LMG924, ATCC11551; Lanes 7 and 8, X. perforans KACC16356, KACC16357; Lane 9, X. gardneri NCPPB881; Lane 10, negative control.
Fig. 3
Phylogenetic tree of 16S rDNA sequences of bacterial spot-causing xanthomonads strains and Korean pepper isolates using MEGA 6.0 program, neighbor-joining tree, Kimura 2-parameter model, and 3,000 bootstrap samples.
Fig. 4
Phylogenetic tree of a concatenated sequence of gapA, gyrB, and lepA of bacterial spot-causing xanthomonads strains and Korean pepper isolates using MEGA 6.0 program, neighbor-joining tree, Kimura 2-parameter model, and 3,000 bootstrap samples.
Table 1
List of bacterial spot-causing xanthomonads strains used in this study
Species Strain*  Host  Origin  Year 
Xanthomonas euvesicatoria 75-3 SL USA NK
85-10 SL USA 1985
155 SL USA 1985
LMG667 SL NK 1976
LMG905 NK India NK
NCPPB936 CA USA 1939
NCPPB941 CA USA 1939
NCPPB2968T CA USA 1947
X. vesicatoria ATCC11551 SL USA 1943
LMG916 SL New Zealand 1955
LMG924 SL Hungary 1957
NCPPB422T SL New Zealand  1955
NCPPB424 SL New Zealand 1955
NCPPB509 SL Zimbabwe 1956
NCPPB701 SL Zimbabwe 1956
NCPPB1431 SL Hungary 1957
X. perforans GEV1026 SL USA 2012
KACC16356 SL Korea 2007
KACC16357 SL Korea 2007
NCPPB4321T SL USA 1991
NCPPB4322 SL USA 1993
TB15 SL USA 2013
Xp10-13 SL USA 2006
Xp19-10 SL USA 2006
X. gardneri 444 SL Costa Rica 1991
NCPPB881T SL Yugoslavia 1953
NCPPB4323 SL Costa Rica 1991
NCPPB4324 SL Costa Rica 1991

SL, Solanum lycopersicum; NK, not known; CA, Capsicum annuum.

* LMG, Collection of the laboratorium voor Microbiologie en Microbiele Genetica, Ghent University, Belgium; NCPPB, National Collection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, Central Science Laboratory, United Kingdom; ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, USA; KACC, Korean Agricultural Culture Collection, Rural Development Administration, Korea; 75-3, 85-10, 155 from Stall; GEV1026, TB15, Xp10-13, Xp19-10, 444 from Jones; E3 from Hert.

Table 2
List of the pathogenic isolates from bacterial spot lesion of the pepper plants in the Korea
Isolate* Location  Year 
CNUPBL 1984  Gundong, Gangjin 2013
CNUPBL 1985 Gundong, Gangjin 2013
CNUPBL 1986 Beopjeon, Bonghwa 2013
CNUPBL 1987 Jaesan, Bonghwa 2013
CNUPBL 1988 Yeonmu, Nonsan 2013
CNUPBL 1989 Gonggeun, Hoengseong  2014
CNUPBL 1990 Bokheung, Sunchang 2014
CNUPBL 1991 Gobu, Jeongeup 2014
CNUPBL 1992 Jocheon, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 1993 Jocheon, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 1994 Jocheon, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 1995 Aewol, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 1996 Dopyeong, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 1997 Dopyeong, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 1998 Dopyeong, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 1999 Jocheon, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 2000 Jocheon, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 2001 Jocheon, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 2002 Jocheon, Jeju 2014
CNUPBL 2003 Cheongso, Boryeong 2014
CNUPBL 2004 Inji, Seosan 2014
CNUPBL 2005 Inji, Seosan 2014
CNUPBL 2006 Inji, Seosan 2014
CNUPBL 2007 Eumam, Seosan 2014
CNUPBL 2008 Eumam, Seosan 2014
CNUPBL 2009 Bongsan, Yesan 2014
CNUPBL 2010 Bongsan, Yesan 2014
CNUPBL 2011 Oga, Yesan 2014
CNUPBL 2012 Oga, Yesan 2014
CNUPBL 2013 Oga, Yesan 2014
CNUPBL 2014 Myeoncheon, Dangjin 2014
CNUPBL 2015 Daesan, Gochang 2014
CNUPBL 2016 Samgye, Jangseong 2014
CNUPBL 2017 Samgye, Jangseong 2014
CNUPBL 2018 Hwangnyong, Jangseong 2014
CNUPBL 2019 Hwangnyong, Jangseong 2014
CNUPBL 2020 Myoryang, Yeonggwang 2014
CNUPBL 2021 Myoryang, Yeonggwang 2014
CNUPBL 2022 Sinbuk, Yeongam 2014
CNUPBL 2023 Sinbuk, Yeongam 2014
CNUPBL 2024 Sinbuk, Yeongam 2014
CNUPBL 2025 Eomda, Hampyeong 2014
CNUPBL 2026 Eomda, Hampyeong 2014
CNUPBL 2027 Munpyeong, Naju 2014
CNUPBL 2028 Munpyeong, Naju 2014
CNUPBL 2029 Hanbando, Yeongwol 2014
CNUPBL 2030 Nam, Inje 2014
CNUPBL 2031 Inje, Inje 2014
CNUPBL 2032 Inje, Inje 2014
CNUPBL 2033 Seo, Cheorwon 2014
CNUPBL 2034 Seo, Cheorwon 2014
CNUPBL 2035 Nam, Yangju 2014
CNUPBL 2036 Nam, Yangju 2014
CNUPBL 2037 Nam, Yangju 2014
CNUPBL 2038 Gwangjeok, Yangju 2014
CNUPBL 2039 Gwangjeok, Yangju 2014
CNUPBL 2040 Tanhyeon, Paju 2014
CNUPBL 2041 Tanhyeon, Paju 2014
CNUPBL 2042 Tanhyeon, Paju 2014
CNUPBL 2043 Munsan, Paju 2014
CNUPBL 2044 Hwasan, Yeongcheon 2014
CNUPBL 2046 Hayang, Gyeongsan 2014
CNUPBL 2047 Woldeung, Suncheon 2014
CNUPBL 2048 Gyeombaek, Boseong 2014
CNUPBL 2049 Miryeok, Boseong 2014
CNUPBL 2050 Deungnyang, Boseong 2014
CNUPBL 2058 Jangseungpo, Geoje 2014
CNUPBL 2091 Dunnae, Hoengseong 2015
CNUPBL 2092 Simsheon, Youngdong 2015
CNUPBL 2093 Hallim, Jeju 2015
CNUPBL 2096 Pyoseon, Seogwipo 2015
CNUPBL 2098 Pyoseon, Seogwipo 2015

All hosts are Capsicum annuum.

* CNUPBL, Chunbuk National University Plant Bacteriology and Molecular Genetics Lab., Korea.

Deposited in Korean Agricultural Culture Collection as KACC18722 (CNUPBL2030) and KACC18723 (CNUPBL2058).

Table 3
Characteristics of BSX reference strains and the Korean pepper isolates
BSX strain or pepper isolate Amylolytic activity Pectolytic hydrolysis SDS-PAGE rpoB gene based RFLP Accession number

16S rDNA gapA gyrB lepA
Xanthomonas euvesicatoria 75-3 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301873 KU939855 KU887562 KU939954
85-10 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301875 KU939848 KU887555 KU939947
155 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301874 KU939849 KU887556 KU939948
E3 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301876 KU939847 KU887554 KU939946
LMG667 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301877 KU939856 KU887563 KU939955
LMG905 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301878 KU939857 KU887564 KU939956
NCPPB936 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301879 KU939835 KU867863 KU939934
NCPPB941 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301880 KU939836 KU887543 KU939935
NCPPB2968T 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301881 KU939837 KU887544 KU939936
X. vesicatoria ATCC11551 + + 27 kDa X.v KU301882 KU939860 KU887567 KU939959
LMG916 + + 27 kDa X.v KU301883 KU939858 KU887565 KU939957
LMG924 + + 27 kDa X.v KU301884 KU939859 KU887566 KU939958
NCPPB422T + + 27 kDa X.v KU301885 KU939838 KU887545 KU939937
NCPPB424 + + 27 kDa X.v KU301886 KU939839 KU887546 KU939938
NCPPB509 + + 27 kDa X.v KU301887 KU939840 KU887547 KU939939
NCPPB701 + + 27 kDa X.v KU301888 KU949841 KU887548 KU939940
NCPPB1431 + + 27 kDa X.v KU301889 KU939842 KU887549 KU939941
X. perforans GEV1026 + + 27 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301890 KU939850 KU887557 KU939949
KACC16356 + + 27 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301891 KU939861 KU887568 KU939960
KACC16357 + + 27 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301892 KU939862 KU887569 KU939961
NCPPB4321T + + 27 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301893 KU939843 KU887550 KU939942
NCPPB4322 + + 27 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301894 KU939844 KU887551 KU939943
TB15 + + 27 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301895 KU939851 KU887558 KU939950
Xp10-13 + + 27 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301896 KU939852 KU887559 KU939951
Xp19-10 + + 27 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301897 KU939853 KU887560 KU939952
X. gardneri 444 27 kDa X.g KU301898 KU939854 KU887561 KU939953
NCPPB881T 27 kDa X.g KU301899 KU939863 KU887570 KU939962
NCPPB4323 27 kDa X.g KU301900 KU939845 KU887552 KU939944
NCPPB4324 27 kDa X.g KU301901 KU939846 KU887553 KU939945
CNUPBL 1984 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301902 KU939864 KU887571 KU939963
CNUPBL 1985 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301903 KU939865 KU887572 KU939964
CNUPBL 1986 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301904 KU939866 KU887573 KU939965
CNUPBL 1987 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301905 KU939867 KU887574 KU939966
CNUPBL 1988 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301906 KU939868 KU887575 KU939967
CNUPBL 1989 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301907 KU939869 KU887576 KU939968
CNUPBL 1990 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU301908 KU939870 KU887577 KU939969
CNUPBL 1991 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308457 KU939871 KU887578 KU939970
CNUPBL 1992 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308458 KU939872 KU887579 KU939971
CNUPBL 1993 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308459 KU939873 KU887580 KU939972
CNUPBL 1994 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308460 KU939874 KU887581 KU939973
CNUPBL 1995 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308461 KU939875 KU887582 KU939974
CNUPBL 1996 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308462 KU939876 KU887583 KU939975
CNUPBL 1997 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308463 KU939877 KU887584 KU939976
CNUPBL 1998 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308464 KU939878 KU887585 KU939977
CNUPBL 1999 + 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308465 KU939879 KU887586 KU939978
CNUPBL 2000 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308466 KU939880 KU887587 KU939979
CNUPBL 2001 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308467 KU950308 KU887626 KU939980
CNUPBL 2002 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308468 KU939881 KU887625 KU939981
CNUPBL 2003 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308469 KU939882 KU887624 KU939982
CNUPBL 2004 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308470 KU939883 KU887623 KU939983
CNUPBL 2005 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308471 KU939884 KU887622 KU939984
CNUPBL 2006 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU308472 KU939885 KU887621 KU939985
CNUPBL 2007 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323669 KU939886 KU887620 KU939986
CNUPBL 2008 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323670 KU939887 KU887619 KU939987
CNUPBL 2009 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323671 KU939888 KU887618 KU939988
CNUPBL 2010 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323672 KU939889 KU887617 KU939989
CNUPBL 2011 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323673 KU939890 KU887616 KU939990
CNUPBL 2012 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323674 KU939891 KU887615 KU939991
CNUPBL 2013 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323675 KU939892 KU887614 KU939992
CNUPBL 2014 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323676 KU939893 KU887613 KU939993
CNUPBL 2015 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323677 KU939894 KU887612 KU939994
CNUPBL 2016 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323678 KU939895 KU887611 KU939995
CNUPBL 2017 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323679 KU939896 KU887610 KU939996
CNUPBL 2018 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323680 KU939897 KU887609 KU939997
CNUPBL 2019 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323681 KU939898 KU887608 KU939998
CNUPBL 2020 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323682 KU939899 KU887607 KU939999
CNUPBL 2021 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323683 KU939900 KU887606 KU940000
CNUPBL 2022 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323684 KU939901 KU887605 KU940001
CNUPBL 2023 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323685 KU939902 KU887604 KU940002
CNUPBL 2024 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323686 KU950309 KU887603 KU940003
CNUPBL 2025 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323686 KU939903 KU887602 KU940004
CNUPBL 2026 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323687 KU939904 KU887601 KU940005
CNUPBL 2027 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323688 KU939905 KU887600 KU940006
CNUPBL 2028 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323689 KU939906 KU887599 KU940007
CNUPBL 2029 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323690 KU939907 KU887598 KU940008
CNUPBL 2030 + 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323691 KU939908 KU887597 KU940009
CNUPBL 2031 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323692 KU939909 KU887596 KU940010
CNUPBL 2032 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323693 KU939910 KU887595 KU940011
CNUPBL 2033 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323694 KU939911 KU887594 KU940012
CNUPBL 2034 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323695 KU939912 KU887593 KU940013
CNUPBL 2035 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323696 KU939913 KU887592 KU940014
CNUPBL 2036 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323697 KU939914 KU887591 KU940015
CNUPBL 2037 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323698 KU939915 KU887590 KU940016
CNUPBL 2038 + 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323699 KU939916 KU887589 KU940017
CNUPBL 2039 + 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323700 KU939917 KU887588 KU940018
CNUPBL 2040 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323701 KU939918 KU887628 KU940019
CNUPBL 2041 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323702 KU939919 KU887629 KU940020
CNUPBL 2042 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323703 KU939920 KU887630 KU940021
CNUPBL 2043 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323704 KU939921 KU887631 KU940022
CNUPBL 2044 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323705 KU939922 KU887632 KU940023
CNUPBL 2046 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323706 KU939923 KU887633 KU940024
CNUPBL 2047 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323707 KU939924 KU887634 KU940025
CNUPBL 2048 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323708 KU939925 KU887635 KU940026
CNUPBL 2049 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323709 KU939926 KU887636 KU940027
CNUPBL 2050 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323710 KU939927 KU887637 KU940028
CNUPBL 2058 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323711 KU939928 KU887638 KU940029
CNUPBL 2091 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323712 KU939929 KU887639 KU940030
CNUPBL 2092 + 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323713 KU939930 KU887640 KU940031
CNUPBL 2094 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323714 KU939931 KU887641 KU940032
CNUPBL 2096 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323715 KU939932 KU887642 KU940033
CNUPBL 2098 32 kDa X.ev or X.p KU323716 KU939933 KU887643 KU940034

BSX, bacterial spot-causing xanthomonads; SDS-PAGE, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; RFLP, restriction fragment length polymorphism; X.ev, Xanthomonas euvesicatoria; X.p, X. perforans; X.v, X. vesicatoria; X.g, X. gardneri.


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