Root Colonizing and Biocontrol Competency of Serratia plymuthica A21-4 against Phytophthora Blight of Pepper2005 March;21(1)
Bacillus spp. as Biocontrol Agents of Root Rot and Phytophthora Blight on Ginseng2004 March;20(1)
Mini Review : Cytology, Physiology and Molecular Genetics of Resistance to Phytophthora Blight in Pepper Plants2001 February;17(1)
Ethyl Acetate Extract of Bacillus pumilus SH122 Induces Resistance Against Phytophthora Blight in Pepper Plant1999 December;15(6)
Induction of Resistance by TMV Infection in Capsicum annuum Against Phytophthora Blight1998 August;14(4)