Whole-Genome Characterization of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus Obtained from Metagenomic Analysis of Vinca minor and Wisteria sinensis in Iran: with Implications for the Genetic Structure of the Virus
Article information
Plant Pathol J. 2022;38(1):52-52
Publication date (electronic) : 2022 February 01
doi :
This corrects the article "Whole-Genome Characterization of Alfalfa Mosaic Virus Obtained from Metagenomic Analysis of Vinca minor and Wisteria sinensis in Iran: with Implications for the Genetic Structure of the Virus" in Volume 37 on page 619.
Plant Pathol. J. 37(6): 619–631 (2021)
In the first line of the “Materials and Methods” section, the date of collecting samples should only be “In July 2020”, and “In July to June 2020” is incorrect.
Corrected version
In July 2020, V. minor and W. sinensis leaf samples exhibiting severe virus-like disease symptoms of yellow halo, bright yellow mottle, or mosaic (Fig. 1) were collected from urban areas Mashhad, Razavi Khorasan province, in northeast Iran.
Article information Continued
© The Korean Society of Plant Pathology